Building Multiracial Aikido: A Student Social Justice Retreat, co-authored with Stephanie Shippen

Martinez, C. & Shippen, S. (2021). Building multiracial aikido: A student social justice retreat. In Johnston Guerrero, M. & Wijeyesinghe, C. L. (Eds.). Multiracial experiences in higher education: Contesting knowledge, honoring voice, and innovating practice. Stylus. 


From Here to There: Educating for Wholeness, co-authored with Erich Pitcher

Pitcher, E. & Martinez, C. (2021). From here to there: Educating for wholeness. In Osei-Kofi, N., Boovey, B., & Furman, K. (Eds.). Transformative Approaches to Social Justice Education. Routledge.


Story Circles, Changing Culture, and Deepening Leadership

Martinez, C. (2019). Story circles, changing culture, and deepening leadership. In B. A. Nagda, & L. D. Roper, (Eds.). New Directions for Student Leadership: No 163. Centering Dialogue in Leadership Development. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. (pgs. 57-71)


Navigating through Student Affairs as a Cultural Organizer

Martinez, C. (2019). Navigating through student affairs as a cultural organizer. In M. G. Burke & U. M. Robinson (Eds.). No Ways Tired: The Journey for Professionals of Color in Student Affairs (Vol. III, pp. 99-108). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.


Interview: Curating Possibility and Cultural Organizing at Oregon State

Goldbard, A. (Interviewer) & Martinez, C. (Interviewee). (2017). Charlene Martinez: curating possibility and cultural organizing at Oregon State. [Interview transcript].


A Taiwanese-Colombian Story

Martinez, C. (2016). A Taiwanese-Colombian Story. M. & Dimmett, M. (Eds.) Family: An iBook devoted to stories about multiracial/transracial families. NASPA MultiRacial Knowledge Community: iBook. (p. 30-36).

Of the Cross: Dancing like an Octopus and Other Acts of Serious Ridiculousness, co-authored with Natchee Barnd

Barnd, N. & Martinez, C. (2015). Of the cross: Dancing like an octopus and other acts of serious ridiculousness. In Welch, E., Ruanto-Ramirez, J., & Magpusao, N. (Eds.) Nexus: Complicating Community and Centering the Self a 20 Year Retrospective of a College-Based Community Center. San Diego, California: Cognella.